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Aussie university tackles clean energy

Metal Tech News – August 24, 2022

The University of Adelaide launches Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources

The global transition to electric vehicles plugged into low-carbon-emissions power sources is requiring enormous quantities of lithium-ion battery materials, copper, rare earths, and a long list of other mined commodities. This creates a dual challenge for mining companies – ramping up production quickly enough to supply the materials to build the envisioned clean energy future while also meeting their own net-zero climate goals that align with global climate objectives. To help the global mining sector coordinate efforts to achieve a net-zero emissions future, the University of Adelaide in Australia has launched the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER).

"The Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources is the key portal of research capabilities within sustainability, energy and resources, wherever they may be anchored in our faculties and institutes," said Michael Goodsite, University of Adelaide professor and director of ISER. "There isn't one answer to achieving a sustainable future. We're going to have to bring together and integrate expertise and innovation in every facet of our activity."

The University of Adelaide is renowned for its strong mine engineering program and is already involved in research and development to assist the mining sector's transition to more efficient and sustainable battery electric vehicles.

Further information on the university's mining equipment electrification program can be read at Experts help electrify Australian mining in the August 18, 2021 edition of Metal Tech News.

ISER, however, will draw on the university's expertise beyond its strong mine engineering program.

"There isn't one answer to achieving a sustainable future. We're going to have to bring together and integrate expertise and innovation in every facet of our activity," Goodsite added. "We have to solve problems like finding enough copper for the clean-energy technology required to reach net-zero carbon emissions, without further damaging what we are trying to protect."

ISER will help lead the large-scale collaborative research efforts across the university's academic ecosystem.

This includes building upon its industry and government partnerships under the national Cooperative Research Centre. These collaborations under CRC include Copper For Tomorrow, an initiative to meet the copper demands for a green energy future while processing lower-grade ore, and Scaling Green Hydrogen, Australia's single largest program to accelerate the development of green hydrogen as a fossil fuel alternative.

"Achieving our net-zero targets needs the best ideas and solutions from many fields to drive the innovation and technology required to meet a tough challenge," said Professor Caroline McMillen, chief scientist for South Australia at University of Adelaide. "This new Institute is key to meeting our targets- delivering a cleaner future for SA and the world."

The ISER is located at the University of Adelaide's North Terrace campus and will work with researchers there and at its Waite and Roseworthy campuses. Further information:

Author Bio

Shane Lasley, Metal Tech News

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With more than 16 years of covering mining, Shane is renowned for his insights and and in-depth analysis of mining, mineral exploration and technology metals.


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