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Nokia presents 5G with Sandvik Mining

Nokia offers private 5G networks and Sandvik Mining opts in Metal Tech News Weekly Edition – July 29, 2020

With the announcement of Nokia's 5G standalone private wireless networks, Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology have opted to employ Nokia's 5G SA private network at its Tampere test mine in Finland.

Utilizing Nokia's Digital Automation Cloud – an industrial-grade digital automation service platform that provides a reliable, secure, and high performance private wireless network platform – this standalone 5G will be used to enhance communications and connectivity at this testing ground for Sandvik's latest mining innovations.

"By deploying a Nokia 5G SA private wireless network with Nokia Digital Automation Cloud, we can trial and showcase an entirely new range of game-changing products and capabilities here in our Tampere test mine," said Patrick Murphy, president of rock drills and technologies at Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology.

The 48-year-old test mine consists of multiple miles of underground tunnels, and the company has chosen to deploy the new network without relying on any previous generations of wireless communication.

According to Nokia, the network will enable fast, reliable, and secure voice and video communications in a mining setting, which presents highly challenging deployment conditions.

More ideally, the 5G capability offered by the Nokia network will be used for automated mining processes by enabling remote machine operations over 4K video links between deep underground and the surface control center.

"As we work with our customers to help them leverage technology to digitalize their operations, the introduction of 5G opens the door to opportunities in robotics, remote and autonomous operations, full-fleet automation, analytics, and enhanced safety," said Murphy. "As such, it comprises a breakthrough in the digital transformation of mining."

Sandvik is not starting from scratch. While 5G capability is cutting-edge, the mining equipment and technology company has already developed solutions for remote and autonomous operation of equipment, as well as tools to optimize underground hard rock mining.

Having 5G available at its Finland test mine, from a technology company that also happens to be based in Finland, will enable Sandvik to prototype next-generation solutions to customers around the world, empowering a larger scale industrial transformation than any one company could deliver.

"It's an honor to work with a world-class company such as Sandvik on leading-edge digital automation solutions for the mining industry," said Nokia General Manager Digital Automation Cloud Stephan Litjens. "With 5G SA, its high speed, low latency performance and edge computer, the next steps on this journey can be taken."

Designed as a compact, plug-and-play system, Nokia's Digital Automation Cloud comprises network equipment and cloud-based operation monitoring.

The Sandvik deal was revealed alongside Nokia's announcement of offering the first commercial 5G standalone private wireless networking solution to its global customers.

According to Nokia, the company has over 180 private wireless enterprise customers, over 30 of which are currently 5G enabled.

With the approval of 5G SA specifications from the cellular industry standards organization, 3GPP, having happened earlier this month, the way is all but paved for 5G networks to roll out through the rest of the year.


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